Preserving Guernsey’s unique legal heritage.
Preparing Guernsey Advocates for the future.
This website and the creation of an online library of Norman customary law has been made possible by a generous gift in the will of the late Advocate St. John Robilliard. St. John made provision for the "propagation and / or teaching and / or research of the customary law of any one or more of the Channel Islands". St. John's executor, Advocate Geoff Allez, agreed that this site, and the library it contains, was an appropriate expression of St. John's wishes. Visitors are encouraged to read more about St. John in the Dedication section.
Explore our library of digitised, text searchable, and freely downloadable versions of Guernsey customary law texts.
Qualifying as a
guernsey advocate
Find information on the process for becoming a Guernsey Advocate, including key milestones and dates.